Ok, so I got the Roku and after playing around with it for a while I decided to see if I could download the Carter Jones Adventures on the little device. I fired up Visual Studio, then did a fresh build and hit publish. The marmalade deployment tool popped up and after configuring the deployment for …
The great people at MadeWithMarmalade sometimes collaborate with platform vendors who wish to increase the amount of Apps / Developer adoption of their platforms, this results in the so called developer offers. The Carter Jones Adventures was initially released under such an offer (for the BB10 platform). It is pretty safe to say that without …
And they were great! Just before I left I managed to push The Carter Jones to the Android store, that makes four in a row: All made possible through the magic of cross-platformness by MadeWithMarmalade – they have actually made the ‘starter’ version free now for everyone to use! …
It has been a while but now it’s finally here! The IOS version of The Carter Jones Adventures should hit the App Store tomorrow! It will run on all devices capable of running IOS 7 and a special version will be released for the IPAD 1 (sorry, you will have to wait for it, but …