Loerbeek, Nederland

Niet Zeiken Maar Zagen!

Een kleinschalig houtsculptuur evenement in Loerbeek. Op 18 & 19 juli zullen de beste kettingzaag kunstenaars van Nederland van een manshoge boomstam een schitterend beeld maken. Start op zaterdag, het beeld is klaar zondag eind van de middag. Kom gerust kijken, bezoek is gratis!

Another dragon!

Whenever I get the opportunity to choose the ice sculpture that we should make, I tend to end up with a dragon. This one was done in Tatry, which was a really fun and great competition to be with. We actually won the audience award with this 2mx2m high ice sculpture!


The new year is already well underway, but still, here’s an icecarving we did just before the start of 2015:

Carter Jones Adventures is right now available on Amazon devices!

Wow, that was fast! I submitted Carter Jones Adventures to the Amazon App Store just yesterday and got a confirmation with a nice overview on which devices it is available overnight. Amazon seems to have their app submission-process pretty good under control and well-manned / automated (I suspect the latter). Here’s the link: Carter Jones …

Amazon version submitted!

No guarantees because I don’t have any Amazon device to test on, but this looks promising:

Roku development VI: Signing

Just a quick update on the Roku port of The Carter Jones Adventures: it was smoke-tested and approved so it is being prepared to be submitted right now! I assume the submitting process will be similar to all the other stores out there, so far my experience with the Roku team is that they respond …

Roku development V: Artifacts

Almost there, but just not yet! Here’s why it is important to be able to test your Apps/Games on real hardware: you only know what it will look like if you have seen it! One of the reasons that I kept postponing the Android release was because I only had 1 (cheap) Android tablet and, …

Roku development IV: resolution

Right now, the Carter Jones Adventures is running great on my little Roku device! It is actually running at 60FPS and that is exactly how it is intended! However, I did have to switch to lower resolution mode to make this happen. As it turns out, the Roku is not extremely powerful when it comes …

Roku development III: untouchable!

Here we are with part 3 of the ongoing process with the Roku port! First a small note: each of these posts describe a step in the process of bringing the Carter Jones Adventures to the Roku device, however please keep in mind that I can not spend more than about an hour a day on …

Roku development II: unlock your device!

Ok, so I got the Roku and after playing around with it for a while I decided to see if I could download the Carter Jones Adventures on the little device. I fired up Visual Studio, then did a fresh build and hit publish. The marmalade deployment tool popped up and after configuring the deployment for …