Loerbeek, Nederland

Productivity and stuff…

Productivity and stuff…

When you are working at daytime on a ‘normal’ job and developing games in the evening it is sometimes difficult to get some productivity going on when you get back home from your day-job. Last week I was struck by some virus, causing headaches that started in the afternoon and had me going to bed early to try and recover more quickly. So I got nothing done at all in the evenings! Luckily this weekend things turned around, the illness has nearly gone away completely now and my energy levels are filling up back to normal. Being sick sucks…

Still, I did get some stuf done. I managed to work out some animation stuff (I am trying to build a simple editor using bones), it should enable me to do animations while on the go and I also did some level editing. I actually did some play-testing on games from other people as well, I like checking out what others are working on – it is one of the cool things about XNA / XBLIG development. Too bad many developers seem to be abandoning ship, even I am looking around at the alternatives. Ios, unity 3d, playstation suite – there is plenty to choose from! But first I shall finish the Carter Jones Adventures on XBLIG!

I am hoping to do some more drawing an finishing of stuff on the first level this week (especially enemy explosions need some work right now!).

Different cousin, different dog!

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