Loerbeek, Nederland

The year of the dragon

The year of the dragon

‘The year of the dragon’. Say that out loud a couple of times, it just sounds like a great (sub)title for a game or movie or something like that! I like dragons, never met one though, but I like them. Unfortunately I am a tiger according to chinese astrology and the tiger and the dragon….well…they don’t seem to get along very well. I don’t know if or how this will influence my plans for releasing the Carter Jones adventures this year, but I really want to get the game out there so I am putting quite a lot of effort into it!

In my next post I will get into some animation updates I have been doing / will be doing over the couple of days. Should be fun, animating anything is usually a lot of work: for each movement of a baddy in the game all the individual frames need to be drawn and although I try to cut corners here and there (using procedural animation / rendering stuff in 3D) it usually works out best if I drawn the core animations by hand.

I did make good progress last weeks. I refactored the entire background collission code which is now pretty much generalised and working great, to prove it worked I used the routines on the critter baddy and so refactored that code as well. In the process I managed to stumble upon a rare bug and fixed that as well.


Happy chinese new year!

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